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Thursday, June 13, 2024

list of common AWS error status codes and their meanings

 AWS (Amazon Web Services) utilizes HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests. Here is a list of common AWS error status codes and their meanings:

Client-Side Errors (4xx)

  1. 400 Bad Request:
    • Meaning: The request was invalid or cannot be served. The exact error should be explained in the error payload.
    • Possible Causes: Invalid parameters, missing required parameters, or malformed request syntax.
  2. 401 Unauthorized:
    • Meaning: Authentication is required and has failed or has not been provided.
    • Possible Causes: Missing or invalid AWS credentials, or lack of permissions.
  3. 403 Forbidden:
    • Meaning: The request was valid, but the server is refusing action.
    • Possible Causes: Insufficient permissions to access the resource or action.
  4. 404 Not Found:
    • Meaning: The requested resource could not be found.
    • Possible Causes: Incorrect resource identifier (e.g., wrong bucket name in S3).
  5. 405 Method Not Allowed:
    • Meaning: The method specified in the request is not allowed for the resource.
    • Possible Causes: Using GET on a resource that requires POST.
  6. 409 Conflict:
    • Meaning: The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
    • Possible Causes: Resource already exists or resource is being modified concurrently.
  7. 412 Precondition Failed:
    • Meaning: One or more conditions given in the request header fields evaluated to false when tested on the server.
    • Possible Causes: Conditional request failed, such as an ETag check.
  8. 429 Too Many Requests:
    • Meaning: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.
    • Possible Causes: Exceeding the API rate limit.

Server-Side Errors (5xx)

  1. 500 Internal Server Error:
    • Meaning: The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
    • Possible Causes: Internal server issues, temporary issues with the AWS service.
  2. 502 Bad Gateway:
    • Meaning: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server.
    • Possible Causes: Temporary issues with the AWS service or network issues.
  3. 503 Service Unavailable:
    • Meaning: The server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
    • Possible Causes: Service outage, service throttling, or maintenance.
  4. 504 Gateway Timeout:
    • Meaning: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.
    • Possible Causes: Timeout issues, latency in upstream servers.
  5. 507 Insufficient Storage:
    • Meaning: The server is unable to store the representation needed to complete the request.
    • Possible Causes: Insufficient storage available.

Specific AWS Error Codes

AWS also provides specific error codes in the response body for more detailed information. Here are a few common ones:

  1. AccessDenied:
    • Meaning: Access to the resource is denied.
    • Possible Causes: Lack of permissions, policies preventing access.
  2. NoSuchBucket:
    • Meaning: The specified bucket does not exist.
    • Possible Causes: Incorrect bucket name or bucket has been deleted.
  3. InvalidAccessKeyId:
    • Meaning: The AWS access key ID provided does not exist in our records.
    • Possible Causes: Incorrect access key, revoked access key.
  4. SignatureDoesNotMatch:
    • Meaning: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.
    • Possible Causes: Incorrect secret key, incorrect signing process.
  5. ThrottlingException:
    • Meaning: Request rate is too high.
    • Possible Causes: Exceeding the API rate limit.

Understanding these status codes and error messages can help diagnose and resolve issues when interacting with AWS services.

Here is a list of some of the more common Amazon Web Services (AWS) error status codes and their meanings:

    - 200 OK - The request was successful and the resource was created or updated.

    - 400 Bad Request - The request was malformed or incomplete, and the server could not understand it.

    - 401 Unauthorized - The request was made with invalid credentials or without proper authorization, and the server rejected it.

    - 403 Forbidden - The request was made to a resource that the user does not have permission to access.

    - 404 Not Found - The requested resource could not be found, either because it does not exist or because the user does not have permission to view it.

    - 409 Conflict - The request caused a conflict with another ongoing process, and the server could not complete it.

    - 410 Gone - The resource is no longer available, either because it has been deleted or because the user does not have permission to view it.

    - 415 Unsupported Media Type - The request was made with an improper media type, and the server could not process it.

    - 416 Invalid Range - The request was made with an invalid range or duration, and the server could not process it.

    - 500 Internal Server Error - The server encountered an internal error and could not complete the request.

    - 503 Service Unavailable - The service was unavailable at the moment the request was made, and the server could not complete it.

    - 504 Gateway Timeout - The gateway or server was busy and could not immediately process the request.

    - 505 Too Many Requests - The user made too many requests in a given period of time, and the server rejected them all.

    - 507 Insufficient Storage - The request could not be completed because the user's account did not have enough free storage space.

    - 508 Resource Exhausted - The request could not be completed because the resource was exhausted or unavailable.

    - 511 Too Many Users - The system was overloaded with too many users at the moment the request was made, and the server could not complete it.

    - 512 Too Many Connections - The system was overloaded with too many connections at the moment the request was made, and the server could not complete it.

    - 513 Slow Request - The request took too long to complete, and the server returned a  slow down message.

    - 514 Too Many Queries - The user made too many queries in a given period of time, and the server rejected them all.

    - 515 Bad Query - The user made a bad or malformed query, and the server could not understand it.

    - 516 Too Many Results - The search engine returned too many results for the given query, and the server stopped processing it.

    - 517 Insufficient Memory - The request could not be completed because the user's account did not have enough free memory space.

    - 518 Resource Not Found - The resource was not found or could not be accessed, and the server returned a  not found message.

    - 519 Slow Client - The client or script took too long to complete the request, and the server returned a  slow down message.

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