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Monday, May 13, 2024

Techniques commonly employed in RCA

5 Whys: This technique involves asking "why" repeatedly until the root cause of a problem is identified continuously probing deeper into the reasons behind each answer, you can uncover the fundamental cause. Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram): This visual tool helps in identifying possible causes of a problem by categorizing them into branches resembling the bones of a fish. These branches typically represent categories like people, process, equipment, materials, environment, and management. Fault Tree Analysis (FTA): FTA is a top-down approach where you start with a specific problem or event and then trace backward through a series of potential causes to identify the root cause. It's particularly useful for complex systems where multiple factors may contribute to an issue. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA): FMEA is a proactive technique used to identify and mitigate potential failure modes within a system, product, or process. It involves analyzing the potential effects of each failure mode and prioritizing them based on severity, occurrence, and detectability. Pareto Analysis: This technique, also known as the 80/20 rule, involves identifying the most significant causes of a problem by focusing on the factors that contribute the most to the issue. It helps prioritize efforts by targeting the vital few rather than the trivial many. Barrier Analysis: This method involves identifying barriers or controls that should have prevented an issue from occurring. If these barriers failed or were absent, it helps in pinpointing the root cause. Change Analysis: Analyzing changes that occurred before the problem emerged can help identify potential causes. This includes changes in processes, personnel, equipment, or external factors. Event and Causal Factor Charting (ECFC): This technique involves creating a timeline of events leading up to the problem and identifying causal factors at each step. It helps in understanding the sequence of events and their relationships. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/amitanand123_rca-postmortem-activity-7195686450560937984-oWp-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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