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Friday, April 5, 2024

How can I deploy a containerized web application to AWS?

There are a few different ways you can deploy a containerized web application to AWS:
  1. You can use Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) to host and manage your Docker containers. With ECS, you can deploy your application containers across a cluster of Amazon EC2 instances or using AWS Fargate for serverless deployment. You would first build your container image using Docker and push it to Amazon ECS Container Registry (ECR). Then you can create an ECS cluster, task definition and service to run and scale your containers.
  2. For simpler deployments, you can use AWS Fargate directly without having to manage the underlying EC2 instances. Fargate allows you to run and scale containers without having to provision and manage servers.
  3. AWS App Runner is a fully managed service that lets you deploy containerized web applications without having to manage infrastructure. You can deploy your application container directly to App Runner by pushing the image to an Amazon ECR repository. App Runner automatically scales the containers based on traffic.
  4. You can also use AWS CodeDeploy for deploying containerized applications across multiple environments like test, staging and production.
  5. Sources:

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