Issue, Story, and Epic Management
Jira only has a two level backlog hierarchy: Epic -> Story, whereas Jira
Align enables at minimum a five-level hierarchy: Strategy -> Theme ->
Epic -> Feature -> Story. Capability can also be introduced between Epic
and Feature for six levels: Strategy -> Theme -> Epic -> Capability ->
Feature -> Story.
Between Jira and Jira Align, an “Epic” in Jira becomes a “Feature” in Jira
Align, as it is the natural parent of aStory, a “Story” becomes a “Story”,
a “Bug” becomes a “Defect”, and a “Sub-Task” becomes a “Task” under
aStory. Any other custom issue types can be configured to integrate, and
those will become a “Story” in Jira Align, with a Type field indicating the
origin type configured from Jira.
Best practice: Use “Epics” in Jira as you would “Features”
A feature should be a concise unit of value that can be delivered within
a single program increment. Any objects in Jira that you use to represent
true “Epics” (which are allowed to span a PI), whether they be Jira Epics
or another object, should be migrated to be Epics within Jira Align.
The feature level should be represented by Jira “Epics”, with stories
directly underneath them. True epics have no representation in Jira. The
connection between epics and features will be made within Jira Align.
Best practice: Ensure stories in Jira are tied to a
parent Jira Epic
Stories not tied to a parent (epic in Jira or feature in Jira Align) are
considered “orphaned” stories. The value from these stories cannot be
rolled up to any higher level initiative to promote organizational visibility.
In Jira Align, you can use Program > Backlog (select PI at the top left, and
then click Orphan Objects at the top right), to see your orphaned stories
and assign them to a parent feature.
Best practice: Ensure stories in Jira have a story
point estimate
Without an estimate, it is impossible to forecast completion for a backlog.
Estimates are also what drive the velocity number for a team per sprint.
Each portfolio in Jira Align can be configured to estimate stories in one of
two ways: Modified Fibonacci or Power of Two. Ensure your stories use
the correct estimation system for your portfolio and that the majority are
estimated. At the least, there should be no unestimated stories assigned
to an active sprint. In Jira Align, you can use Program > Backlog (select PI
at the top left, and then click Orphan Objects at the top right), to see your
unestimated stories.
Best practice: Finish story within a sprint, otherwise, move or
split it before closing the sprint
Within Jira, if an issue (story, etc.) is unfinished when you close the sprint,
Jira will tell you it is moving the story to the backlog. Unfortunately, that
story will forever be tagged with the sprint where it was not finished
if you do it this way. Let’s say another team picks up the story in their
sprint. Now it looks like that story belongs to two sprints, and in fact the
Jira reports for the original team will now include the new team’s sprint
in the filter dropdown menu. When this occurs, you also have to tell Jira
Align which sprints belong to which teams, by going to Team > Manage >
Sprints, and then selecting the Manage Jira Sprints option from the More
Actions menu at the top-right of the page. You will need to remove wrong
sprints from teams where they do not belong.
To avoid this whole issue in both Jira and Jira Align, remove the stories
from the sprint BEFORE closing the sprint. This will accurately report in
Jira that you had a scope change for the sprint, and it will not forever tag
that story with the sprint it was not completed in. Another work around is
to split the story within Jira Align, allowing part of the story to be properly
closed out in one sprint, and the remainder to go to the backlog or any
future sprint.
Q: What if I use Jira Components, the Structures Plugin, or some other
way to mimic a three- or fourtier hierarchy in Jira?
A: The Jira Align/Jira integration does not support Components or third
party plugins. Plan to use Jira Align for all layers above the feature, which
is represented natively in Jira as a Jira Epic. You will need a migration
plan for importing your higher level layers into Jira Align, which can easily
be done via Portfolio > Epics > More Actions > Import Epics or Solutions >
Capabilities > More Actions > Import Capabilities (if using capabilities).
Q: What if my team does not do any story estimation?
A: If your team does not estimate stories, then Agile common sense would
indicate that all your stories are approximately the same amount of work
(“sized” the same). If that is the case, the best thing is to estimate all
stories with the same value (1 or 2, for example). That way the velocity can
still be calculated (by both Jira and Jira Align) and will reflect the number
of stories completed. If the stories are NOT all of similar size, then not
estimating them means you will not be able to calculate a velocity, you
cannot make trade-offs between larger and smaller stories, you cannot do
any forecasting, and a host of other anti-patterns. In this case, your teams
should begin to estimate your stories ahead of putting them into sprints,
at a minimum, according to Agile best practices.
Q: What if my team makes heavy use of custom issue types?
A: Any custom issue types can easily be configured to integrate to Jira
Align. These issues will be represented in Jira Align as stories, and you can
preserve the original issue type name in the field called Type on the story.
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Q: What if I map the same Jira field (Story Points) to two unique Jira Align
fields (LOE for stories and Points for features)?
A: A custom field is created or exists by default in Jira. This field is added
to the Story Points field ID mapping in Jira Align under Administration >
Jira Settings > Jira Setup. You need to turn on the Enable Feature Point
Sync and Enable Story Point Sync options on the Jira Setup page. In Jira,
you need to make the Story Points field show up on the Jira story and epic
The story’s LOE field in Jira Align syncs with the Story Points field in Jira.
The feature’s Points field in Jira Align would sync with the Story Points
field on the Jira epic.
Note that Jira Align features (Jira epics) have story points in Jira Align that
is a rollup of children stories LOE. Jira Align does not sync this field with
Jira epics; it syncs the feature’s Points field which is a separate estimate.
Q: How do I prioritize Jira epics and stories?
A: To enable rank synchronization between Jira Align and Jira, a custom
field ID for rank must be set in the Rank text field on the Jira Settings
page within Jira Align Administration. In the field, enter the default Jira
rank field’s ID. The setting Enable Rank Sync on the same page must also
be set to Yes.
Rank synchronization is performed automatically; ranking must be either
pushed to or pulled from Jira Align on demand. To do this, navigate to the
feature or story backlog, ensure a program is selected in the Configuration
bar, and set the program increment to None. Ranking requires setting the
PI to None as PIs don’t exist in Jira. Then, select Pull Rank and choose to
either push or pull the rank from the external system.
Once a push or pull request has been made, a job order to the external
system is created and the rank synchronizes after the job finishes. After
the job order is sent, the options for push and pull rank are not selectable
until the job completes.
If Push rank to the External System has been selected, the rank of all
items in the selected Jira backlog updates according to the ranks of their
corresponding Jira Align issues. If Pull rank from the External System has
been selected, the Jira Align backlog rank updates according to the ranks
of their corresponding Jira issues.
Note that only items that are visible on the Jira Align backlog when push
or pull rank is performed will be updated.
Q: Why are issues in Jira sometimes updated with the connector ID and
sometimes by an actual user?
A: The updates made via the service account were made in Jira Align.
Updates made by a specific user were made in Jira. In Jira Align, the
service account will use Jira user information when available due to
matching external ID or emails between Jira Align accounts and Jira
accounts. Updates made to Jira are made by the service account via the
API so they will have the service account’s name. If you need to verify who
made the update, you can typically check the Jira Align audit log.
Commonly Utilized Jira Query Language (JQL)
A very useful tool used to search for Jira issues is JQL, which stands for
Jira Query Language. Jira users can use JQL to create database queries
to provide faster access to information in Jira. If you have a technical
background and are familiar with SQL, then you have a head start
because Atlassian’s implementation of JQL is similar. To learn more
about JQL and how to use it with Jira, please consult Atlassian’s Jira
·· Search Jira like a Boss with JQL
·· JQL: The Most Flexible Way to Search Jira
JQL functions the same way in Jira Align as it does with a Jira Advanced
Search--it allows you to create custom queries that search for data in
Jira. When a JQL query is used in Jira Align, it returns data directly from
Jira and performs a one-way sync to Jira Align (i.e., data is pulled from Jira
into Jira Align, but not pushed from Jira Align into Jira). For example, you
can use a JQL query to search for a specific sprint in Jira, and have the
found sprint added to Jira Align’s backlog and/or Sprint grid.
The primary use case for JQL queries is to search for legacy data in Jira
and have it pulled into Jira Align. For example, let’s suppose Jira was
integrated with Jira Align via the connector on a specific date, such as
01/01/18. In this case, Jira and Jira Align data has been syncing since the
integration date, but what if you wanted to sync data that was created
before the integration date, for example from the year 2017? You would
need to create a JQL query that searches for your target data in Jira and
syncs it with Jira Align.